La Jolla Sea Kayaking

La Jolla Cove Kayaking Is a Must-Do in San Diego

Let me be straight with you: I am not much of a water person. It’s not really my thing. (Which makes me the obvious choice to tell you about La Jolla Cove Kayaking.)

Then again, that statement mostly applies to going IN the water instead of ON the water.

Because going on the water, well, that’s just a whole new kind of adventure that can take you into incredible and hidden locations you never knew existed….while staying (mostly) dry.

And this is exactly what our family experienced when we hit the waves with Everyday California in La Jolla one fine fall afternoon to explore the La Jolla Sea Caves.

La Jolla Cove Kayaking

La Jolla Cove Kayaking Is a Must-Do in San Diego

Visiting San Diego can be a bit overwhelming. The good kind of overwhelming, because there is so much to see and so many fantastic activities you can choose to partake in that choosing the “right” ones for you can feel a bit daunting.

FOMO (fear of missing out) can kick in and leave you a bit paralyzed. So, let me help:

Put La Jolla Cove Kayaking at the top of your must-do list! You will have no regrets.

Side note: We enjoyed this activity so much, it made it on our West Coast Trip Bucket List Post.

Choosing a La Jolla kayak tour is just a no-brainer, as long as you are not terrified of the ocean. Let me tell you a bit about our little adventure.

Arrive Early and Be Prepared for a Few Choices Up Front

If you are not the punctual type, this may be the toughest part of all for you:

You need to arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled tour (yes, you must schedule the tour ahead of time…don’t just show up) to allow time for all of the details and preparation.

As you are checking in, they will need to know two things: (1) whether you want to rent a locker for your valuables, and (2) whether you want to rent a full wet suit, a wet suit top, or nothing.

If I remember correctly, the wet suit tops that we chose were about $8 each, but I am honestly unsure about lockers or full wet suit costs. (Sorry.)

Don’t Wear Your Most Expensive Shoes

After you get all suited up and ready to go, you will walk with the group down to the launch point at the coast. This is several blocks of walking and takes 5-8 minutes or so. It’s a relatively flat and easy route, so no worries there.

But be aware when you arrive at the beach, you will have to remove your shoes and leave them there on the beach along with everyone else. They are not secured or protected in any way, so just be aware that they could disappear. Best bet would just be to bring your nice cheap flip flops with you and call it good. Leave your Jimmy Choos in the car.

The Experience Will Live In Your Memories, Probably Not in Your Facebook Feed

It would be ideal if we had some awesome photos of our La Jolla kayak tour, but that simply was not an option for us.

It didn’t occur to us until just before leaving for the tour that we wouldn’t be able to take our phones out on the water with us to document the experience. But wait! We have a GoPro with a waterproof case! Um, nope…it had not been charged and we didn’t have the time to get it ready.

So yes, if you have a waterproof (and floating) device that you can capture the memories with, you are free to bring it with you and share you adventure with the world. Otherwise, no one may ever believe you. In fact, I could be lying about this entire experience right now. (But I’m not.)

You can check out Everyday California’s Instagram feed to get a feel for what you might encounter.


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A Few Serene Moments Inside the La Jolla Sea Caves Are Magical

After making your way over to the caves (about a 20-30 minute trip), and getting a very interesting history lesson from your guides along the way about the homes along the shore and about La Jolla in general, your guides will then begin taking you into one of the sea caves in groups of two.

They actually get out of their kayaks and swim you into the sea caves to be able to maintain control and avoid any injuries from a wave tossing you around and into a cave wall.

Once inside, you can fully experience the beauty of this natural wonder as you look down through the crystal clear water and watch the assortment of fish swimming under you. In that enclosed space, surrounded by the sounds of the sea, it will be like nothing you have ever experienced before. Trust me on that.

If You’re Visiting At the Right Time, You Might Get Some Extra Excitement

Planning a La Jolla sea cave kayak tour in the summer? You just might get the thrill of a lifetime since one of the largest gatherings of Leopard Sharks is present in these waters throughout the summer months!

But if you are visiting December through March, you might also have the chance to spot Grey Whales on their annual migration from Alaska to Baja, California. (They do offer tours specifically for whale watching, so consider that option as well.)

Anytime Is a Great Time for a La Jolla Cove Kayaking Tour

La Jolla Cove kayaking tours do take place year-round, so no matter when you visit it will be an experience you will never forget. Since the tour does not require any previous experience with kayaking, and it is also suitable for anyone five years and older, this is a family outing that will absolutely get everyone’s vote and will get a huge thumbs up from the whole crew when it’s all over.

So what are you waiting for? Whether you choose Everyday California or another kayaking tour option in the La Jolla Cove area, it’s time to get something booked and go get a little wet and wild in sunny San Diego!


La Jolla Cove Kayaking is a San Diego Must Do

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  1. My wife and I are heading to San Diego this summer to visit friends and will add this to our list (as well as the zoo and the aircraft carrier museum).

  2. This looks like a ton of fun! I feel like my fiancé would love to do something like this! Unfortunately I’ve never been to Cali, but am DYING to get there soon!

    -Madi xo

  3. This looks like an amazing adventure! Next time I find myself in the area, I’ll definitely add this to my “to do” list!

  4. I love La Jolla/La Jolla Cove, but have never been kayaking there! Need to change that. Thanks for all the info!

  5. we love San Diego and plan to do explore some more with our next trip.. but kayaking is something we have not done (except my son who has kayaked with his Boy Scout troop)

  6. Wow, that sounds really fun! The last time I was in San Diego with a group of friends, we had no clue what to do, so now I know. Also, I appreciate the tip about bringing cheap shoes!

  7. What an amazing place! What a great experience to be able to see grey whales. Super informative! Thanks for sharing!

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