How To Make Money While Traveling: Is Blogging Right for You?

Now that we’re getting closer to winter, I thought this was the perfect time to talk about how to make money while traveling. It’s one of the most common questions we get from people we meet who are weekend RVers but would like to enter into the world of full-time RV living or even people who would like to have the freedom to travel for most of the summer.

how to make money while traveling

Do Your Research and to Get to Work

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of blogging and deciding if it’s right for you, I need to clarify one thing. I am not an expert at jobs you can do on the road. But, I know how to make money blogging. That’s what I can teach you.

When we decided to make this RV lifestyle happen, Todd and I started doing some serious research during the winter months. It was the perfect time for us to research everything we needed to do so we could launch at the end of May.

Since we already knew how we were going to earn an income on the road, we were able to make this transition from suburbia to life on the road very quickly.

Whatever time of year it is, it’s best to get started. Do your due diligence about blogging. Dig deep and ask yourself a lot of questions to understand whether you can enjoy the grind for the long haul. Know that it can take a lot of time to earn an income. Know what you’re getting into and be prepared when you launch into your next stage of life.

So put your head down, make a plan, and get to work!

Consider a Remote Working Course

One of the best places to start is with remote work expert Camille Attel. I met Camille at a blogging conference after we had been on the road for about 4 months. She was also a full-time RVer and I was excited to talk with someone else who understood this lifestyle. It was a big benefit to learn from someone who was farther ahead in the game than we were.

Camille is the real deal and she knows her stuff. She left corporate America to hit the road full-time and has since become a go-to source for people looking at making money on the open road.

Check out her blog More Than A Wheelin’ , which has a ton of resources about remote employment:

Remote Work 101

She also offers a Remote Work 101 course. It can help you with a few key points about working while traveling, including the following:

  • Put your dreams into an action plan
  • You’ll see remote work opportunities you didn’t see before
  • Prepare you for the interview process
  • Navigate internet connectivity on the road

After you go through the 7 self-paced modules, the 17 multimedia lessons, the activity sheets, and the additional resources, your remote work dream will be your reality. All you have to do is implement the strategies (remember, it’s up to you to land the job) and techniques Camille teaches.

When you have a dream like working remotely, having a guide to hold your hand and lead you down the path saves you both time and the frustration and headache of figuring it all out by yourself.


Another fantastic resource for finding jobs on the road is FlexJobs.

FlexJobs helps you find the best remote and flexible jobs that work for your situation. They help you ‘find your better’ and here’s what they mean by that:

But what does better mean for you? It’s different for each of us, but also often similar. Maybe it’s about work-life fit or having more time for our families, paying our bills with less stress or being able to find a good job without having to move, getting rid of a long commute or having more freedom in where and when you work. We could go on, but you probably get the idea.

Whatever your better work situation is, we’re here for you. So, let’s get started now to find you a better job, a better way.

Some of the employers featured on FlexJobs include Hilton, Dell, Apple, and the American Red Cross, just to name a few.

Is Blogging Right for You?

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of blogging, you need to decide if blogging is right for you. I’ve read far too many articles that say blogging is for everyone and anyone can blog. I don’t believe this to be true.

Blogging is most definitely not for everyone.

How do you know if blogging is right for you and one of the jobs you can do while traveling that fits your personality?

Ask Yourself These Questions First

Here are a few questions to ask yourself in order to see if blogging might be a good income path for making money on the road:

  • Are you self-motivated?
  • Do you like to write?
  • Are you willing to learn or hire out technical challenges?
  • Are you willing to educate yourself and do the work (writing, promoting/marketing, graphic design, etc.)?
  • Can you be patient (and realistic) with income generation?
  • Are you willing to work consistently even when you’re making zero money?
  • Are you willing to get up early or stay up late to work when everyone else is sleeping?

Here’s another way to find out if blogging is the right path for you to make money while traveling…

Just Try It

If you answered ‘I think’ to some of the questions above, you might just have to try it and see if it’s for you.

This is what I recommend to friends who want to try blogging to see if it’s a good fit for them:

  • Set a blogging schedule; ideally two posts a week.
  • Choose two (and only two) social media platforms where you can promote your blog. You do not need to be everywhere, even as a full-time blogger. Find out where your audience hangs out and promote on that platform.
  • Set some clear and defined goals.
  • Set a ‘not give up’ date, meaning you will blog your butt off and give it everything you can until that date when you will then make a decision about your future with blogging.

How Do We Make Money While Traveling Full-Time?

We are often asked how we make money while traveling full-time. I will tell you, we’ve tried a lot of ways to make money from home over the years (A LOT). Blogging has been the best fit for us and where we have found the most success, based on our lifestyle, interests, and skills. Blogging allowed us to make money while traveling the U.S. and Canada. We are extremely grateful.

I truly hope this post has helped you start thinking down the path and planning for how to make money while traveling.

Our readers would love to hear from you. Do you make money in a remote, or flex role? Please share your unique, fun, and interesting ideas for how to make money on the road.

Safe travels!

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One Comment

  1. There are a lot of ways to make money while traveling, I’ve tried multiple methods. Recently my favorite way has been to use Glocalzone. I bring products for people who demand products from the places I visit and earn money on the commission. It has been an incredibly easy way to make money on the side while helping people out.

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