Teen standing on edge of lake at Yoho National Park

Our Top 5 Favorite RV Spots After Months on the Road

As Todd has previously explained, we are no longer full-time RVers. It’s a decision we made as a family and we’re happy. That doesn’t mean we don’t think about our RV life and our many unforgettable experiences. Looking back, it was hard to decide and choose the best of the best. But, we have narrowed it down. These are our favorite RV spots.

Consider adding these destinations to your RV road trip bucket list. We think they are all absolute must-see locations.

Side note from TREKKN:

Don’t worry, TREKKN will continue to put out great content based on real-life, practical experiences. Our team is selected based on their lifestyle. A love of the outdoors, the ability to explore, and a willingness to share stories, tips, and recommendations based on outdoor travel expertise and personal experiences.

As we wish Todd and Julie all the best with their move back to a stationary home, we continue working hard to share recommendations, tips, tricks, and our top picks for camping, hiking, and RV travel!

Now, let’s get back to Julie’s favorite spots to RV!

So, now that we’ve joined the weekend and summer RVing crowd (you guys are cool and we’re excited to be a part of your club), we (I) thought it would be fun to reminisce on what our favorite RVing spots were during our 17 months on the road.

These are the places we can not wait to get back to. The places we want you to know about. The places that should be on your RV travel bucket list!

Instead of making this post all about me and my favorite places, I decided to ask each member of our family what their favorite place was. I know, that’s super nice of me to include them.

Our Favorite RV Destinations

We’ll start with the top pick from the oldest member of our family (aka not me) and end with my youngest son’s choice.

Glacier National Park is a Must-See

Todd’s favorite destination is Glacier National Park in Montana.

Woman stands on edge of lake in Glacier National Park

I actually didn’t even need to ask him where his favorite RVing spot was because I already knew it. He’s been wanting to go back to Glacier since the day we set foot in Glacier. So we did. Yep, during our 17 months on the road, we visited Glacier twice, for a total of about three weeks. It’s that good.

From the hiking, the views, the weather, and the animals it’s easy to see why he wanted to come back.

Our last visit was in September. We traveled as fast as our travel trailer could get us there from the East coast so we could beat the first snow and brutal Montana winter weather.


We had only planned about a week there, but extended to two weeks. Because guess what? September is a really great time to visit Glacier. It did get a little cold and a lot of the restaurants were shutting down, but other than that one time I got really salty because this pie place everyone was raving about was out of pie, we were so glad to be there this time of year.

Todd’s favorite part of this last visit was actually getting to watch the leaves change and literally just light up the park with reds, oranges, and golds. It was simply spectacular!


Todd’s two runners-up are…

Banff National Park is One of the Best Places to Travel

When asked for her favorite RV spot, Julie chooses Banff National Park in Canada.

Family enjoys an outdoor lunch with a view of the mountains at Banff National Park

I almost didn’t allow myself to put this as my favorite RVing spot because, well, we didn’t actually RV in Banff. Say what?

Let me explain.


We left our travel trailer at the Beaver Dam Golf & RV Resort in Madden, AB and rented an Airbnb for a few days in Canmore. But, we did actually sleep at the RV resort for several days as well and it’s downright beautiful there.

The RV resort was about an hour and a half away from Banff and we wanted to spend as much time as possible exploring the park and the area. Plus, we were all feeling the need to spread out a little since five of us were traveling in a 26 foot travel trailer.

RV parked in wide open meadow at RV resort

Side note:

We rented an Airbnb three times during while living in our RV as a family. Once in Colorado when our water lines froze (good times right there)! We also rented when we were in Maryland for a family wedding and once in Canada.

If you’re curious, there are several options for what to do with your RV if you decide to rent an Airbnb for the night.

Front of house available for RVers to rent near Banff National Park

So we booked an Airbnb in Canmore and let me tell you, this was such a smart decision. It has a fantastic view (pictured above), our host left us wine (the way to my heart), and we were all able to do our own things since we were close to town and could take public transportation.

Hannah and I did some shopping.

Mother and daughter smiling while on a shopping trip in Canada

The guys did a long hike to a remote tea house.

Father and son hiking on trail with snow capped mountains in background.

We also made it to Yoho National Park, which isn’t far from Banff, and saw water that was the color of blue Gatorade. It. was. stunning.

Stunning blue lake surrounded by trees and mountains within Yoho National Park.
Young teenager standing on the edge of Lake Louise

We ate at the Whitehorn Bistro at Lake Louise.

Needless to say, we all had one heck of a great time…and saw a Grizzly mom with two cubs as a bonus! It was just incredible.

So, as you can probably tell, I decided there are more than enough reasons to allow myself to select Banff as my favorite RVing spot.


Julie’s two runners-up are…

And if I may add another one…Colorado! We used to live there. We have family there and we’ve spent more time RVing in Colroado than any of the other places we visited. There are so many family friendly destinations in Colorado and plenty to keep everyone happy.

Hannah’s Top Pick Is Nova Scotia

Lighthouse on rocky hill in Nova Scotia

Our daughter Hannah is in college and was only with us during her breaks. So she didn’t get to see all 36 states like the rest of us, but she did see a lot of both the west and east coast, as well as the five Canadian provinces we visited.

She’s been talking about visiting Canada for as long as I can remember. So when we hit the road in May of during her summer break, we booked it to Canada.


And then some friends of ours asked if we wanted travel to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia for two weeks in the summer. We jumped at the chance to see another part of Canada.

And are ever glad we did. It’s some of the most beautiful countrysides we’ve ever seen and was well worth the drive.

This was the view from the Cape Split hike we went on. This 8-mile hike was Hannah’s longest hike yet and she felt pretty dang good after accomplishing it.

Why did she choose Nova Scotia as her favorite RVing spot? Well, take one look at where our RV park was located and you’ll see why.

Right on the water AND we were right around the corner from the Peggy’s Cove lighthouse. This is the view from King Neptune Campground. An RV park we highly recommend!

Woman sitting on large boulder near the sea watching the sunset.


The other reason she loved it, was because of Halifax. Hannah loves spending time in the mountains and at the beach. She also likes to be near a city with plenty of things to do. In Halifax, there are plenty of things to do. It was perfect.

She got to hang out and have drinks with the girls, take pictures in front of their amazing murals in the city, and we were there during the Busker Festival so there were street performers everywhere. A very fun city indeed.

Mother and daughter enjoying an afternoon drink while on an RV road trip
Young adult woman standing near outdoor mural of angel wings painted on wall of building in Halifax


Hannah’s two runners-up are…

Josiah’s Top Pick Is Grand Teton National Park

Mountain range of Grand Teton National Park

This is a National Park we all agree should be on everyone’s bucket list. It’s hard to put into words everything this place has to offer, but Josiah did a great job in his article titled ‘The Most Mountain-y Mountains: Grand Teton National Park.

This is how he describes Grand Teton National Park:

The main road that takes you through the Grand Teton National Park is nothing special, but the views during said drive are nothing short of stunning. One thing that struck me as unique about this range was the lack of foothills. After growing up right outside the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, I came to expect that every mountain range was prefaced by increasingly large hills, slowly but surely leading up to the main display of rock giants. No such thing exists with the Teton Range. One second you’re driving on flat plains, and the next you’re face to face with a 13,776 foot behemoth.

The landscape truly is remarkable.

Just like we booked it over to Glacier National Park again as fast as we could, we headed to the Tetons afterward. It was another National Park we knew was worth a second visit.

After having visited in the summer, it was incredible to see what this place looked like in the fall. It did not disappoint.

Lake, mountain, and fall colors at Grand Teton National Park

Visiting the Tetons in the fall is a must. Ok, summer is quite amazing as well. The weather is incredible. But, summer months bring summer crowds. In the fall, you will enjoy less traffic, stunning foliage, and more serenity. Allow me to repeat myself, a visit to Grand Tetons is a must.


Josiah’s two runners-up are…

  • Yosemite National Park
  • Banff National Park

Aaron’s Top Pick Is Yosemite National Park

Sun setting over mountains at Yosemite National Park

We took a family spring break trip to Yosemite National Park and San Francisco. It was the most money we had ever spent on a family vacation. Between flights, food, lodging, and the car rental, we were shelling out a lot of pennies. Needless to say, we were really hoping it was a trip that everyone would love.

How did it go? Better than we could have imagined.


Our cabin was perfect and was located in the park. Which meant spotty and usually non-existent cell service. And you know what? That’s a big part of why Aaron remembers this place so fondly.

Instead of burying our heads in our electronic devices, we played cards as a family. We sat in silence soaking in the beauty. We talked and talked some more. The week was filled with these special quiet moments that we all still talk about to this day.

Add on top of those special moments the beauty of Yosemite and you have a trip everyone will remember for a very long time.

Lake surrounded by evergreen trees with mountain peak in background

We did go back for a second visit during our 17-month road trip and loved it just as much. We hiked, we snapped hundreds of photos and also spent more time in San Francisco than during our spring break trip.

If you’re looking for a family vacation that includes both nature and the city, we highly recommend this area.


Aaron’s two runners-up are…

  • Sedona, Arizona – We did some incredible hiking in Sedona. It’s a special place.
  • Banff National Park

I hope by reading about our top 5 favorite RVing spots, you got some great ideas for your next family adventure!


Boy wearing hat looking at water and boater on beautiful blue lake

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  1. Wow these are such beautiful Rv-ing spots! Love your photography and list of these lakes and national parks. Bookmarked!

  2. Glacier National Park is definitely on my list of places to go – but I hadn’t even heard of a lot of these! I’m so glad I found this. Yoho National Park looks AMAZING!

  3. This list is great! My BF and I want became full time RV’ers, maybe in the next couple of years. I am definitely going to look into these spots. Also will search other topics on your blog šŸ™‚

    1. How fun! Good luck to you as you both plan for this. And we hope you’ll find plenty of info here to help. šŸ™‚

  4. So I just have to say Canada is my country and it is Ahhh mazing..I miss it so bad! I was born not far from Banff…never been to Yoho..I need to see it !
    Great post and what great experiences you’ve had r-ving.awesome!


    1. We fell in love with Canada! We did Banff/Vancouver one summer and PEI/Nova Scotia the next. Stunning landscape and the nicest people! And yes, you definitely need to see Yoho. šŸ™‚

  5. What a time you must have had! I’ve been to some of these places, but as I live in Norway it’s pretty far to go. I’m thinking I’m going to visit Banff and Jasper NP next Summer, can’t wait!

  6. I only recently found your blog but so glad I did! We are also weekender/summer RVers and the places youā€™ve listed are on our bucket list of places we hope to visit. You give great information that I appreciate and will use for planning our own trips. I also love looking at your photos!

    1. Hi Lori! We’re glad you found us too. šŸ˜‰ I’m so happy you’ve found the information helpful. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions about specific places!

  7. We discovered the RV experience in Banff. After that, we only use RV. IĀ“m agree with your list but I donĀ“t visit yet Nova Scotia. ItĀ“s the travel for the next year, Canadian east side.
    If we found your blog before…

  8. So excited to see this article. We camped next to you once in NY, Catskills. Such a nice family.
    We are going cross-country next year and this info was helpful!

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