Close up of RV tires with TPMS installed

Tire Pressure Monitoring System: Protect Your RV

After tens of thousands of miles traveled across North America with our 26-foot Keystone Passport travel trailer in tow, how many tire issues have we experienced on the road? ZERO.

That may be some kind of world record, I’m not sure. (Yeah, it definitely is.) I credit this amazing feat to two primary factors:

  1. Upgraded D-rated tires I purchased for my new travel trailer immediately after I brought it home.
  2. TireMinder RV Tire Pressure Monitoring System I purchased before we hit the road.

I am certain that you would love nothing more than to get out there and break my world record (I won’t be bitter). But more importantly, I imagine your real focus is on keeping your family safe on the road and protecting your investment.

That’s why we’re here. Let’s stop wasting time and start discussing why I recommend you purchase an RV Tire Pressure Monitoring System to protect your rig.

Travel trailer parked in front of house ready for next road trip

My Experience with an RV TPMS

TireMinder A1A Tire Pressure Monitoring System

Before I jump straight to the reasons you should consider this important safety purchase, allow me to first discuss the actual RV TPMS product that I used during our epic journey. This is the TPMS that kept us safe (and off the side of the road) through 36 states, 5 provinces, 15 national parks, and more adventures and memories than you can imagine.

TireMinder Tire Pressure Monitoring System

Includes 10 transmitters

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01/23/2025 06:46 pm GMT

There are many different TPMS systems on the market. The brand I purchased a couple of years ago is TireMinder. TireMinder may no longer offer the same model due to innovations and upgrades in design and product features. One such upgrade is the cell signal booster, which I talk more about below.


Researching RV TPMS options gave me a bit of sticker shock. You may not have been planning for an added expense like this when you purchased your RV. This was the first RV we owned and I know I wasn’t expecting the extra cost of so many accessories.

But I encourage you to prioritize safety items like a TPMS above other convenience RV accessories or luxury items. Safety has to come first when you hit the road. Especially as full-time RVers covering a lot of miles on long trips.

Tracking the pressure of your tires is one of the best ways I can think of to help ensure road safety. Also keep in mind that investing in a good TPMS can help extend the life of your tires.


I honestly had very few issues with installation and initial use on our 26-foot travel trailer.


Make sure all the slides are in when installing the TPMS so you don’t have to be crawling under the slides multiple times. Your back and knees will thank you.

The biggest issue I faced was unscrewing and reattaching the transmitters to and from the metal valve stems a couple of times to get the display monitor to pick up the signal.

When I purchased the tireminder tpms, I had to purchase the signal booster separately. It was necessary for the signals from the transmitters, which are attached to the valve stems, to reach the monitoring display device in the cab of the truck.


  • Convenient LCD Display Monitor
  • Monitors up to 22 Tires
  • Monitors Up to 232 PSI
  • Signal Booster for Trailers
  • Installation may require multiple attempts to attach transmitters to tire valve stems before display device picks up signal


The signal booster is now included. The TireMinder includes:

  • An LCD monitoring device that displays PSI and temperature for each tire (can monitor up to 22 tires), and provides audible and visual alarms for changes in PSI or temperature
  • Transmitter devices (0.5 oz each) that screw onto tire valve stems, capable of monitoring up to 232 PSI
  • CR1632 batteries for transmitters
  • O-Rings, Locking Nuts, and Wrench
  • Dash mount for holding small display device
  • Signal booster device (attaches to RV battery) for boosting transmitter signals
  • Handy nylon carrying case for all components
  • Owner’s Manual

Other Top Rated RV Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems

Each of us has different needs when it comes to which accessories and gear are best for our RV lifestyle. So while the TireMinder was the best TPMS solution for me, it may not be the best choice for you.

Here are a couple of other options that are top picks amongst the folks within our RV community I have talked to about TPMS sensors.


  • This particular option includes the signal booster, which is a must-have for travel trailers or fifth wheels.
  • The EEZTire system is also available to purchase without the signal booster if you’re an RV owner who doesn’t need it.
  • According to consumer reviews, setting up the EEZTire can be a little more challenging than with the TireMinder option mentioned earlier.

Includes color monitor, 4 sensors, and booster. Additional sensors sold separately.

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02/15/2025 08:20 pm GMT

Check tires regularly, avoid excess weight, check tire pressure before every trip, and drive at a safe speed.


  • The TST tire pressure monitoring system has earned very high customer ratings. RV owners rate Truck System as one of the best RV Tire Pressure Monitoring systems because it offers functionality to customize each axle for high and low alert parameters.
  • The color monitor makes it easy to keep track of alerts and warnings related to temperature readings and PSI.
Truck System Technologies TPMS

4 cap sensors and color display TPMS for RVs, campers and trailers.

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02/15/2025 09:47 pm GMT

5 Reasons to Purchase an RV Tire Pressure Monitoring System

Here are the five core reasons I recommend RV owners purchase and install a tire pressure monitoring system.

  • #1: Tire Problems are the Primary Threat to Safe RV Travel
  • #2: TPMS Can Extend the Life of Expensive RV Tires
  • #3: Properly Inflated Tires Can Improve Fuel Efficiency
  • #4: Installing a TPMS May Result in Lower Insurance Rates
  • #5: Peace of Mind is Priceless

Reason #1: Tire Problems are the Primary Threat to Safe RV Travel

I don’t think I’m overstating this one, because based on the stories I have heard over and over again via RV videos and blog posts, tire problems have caused more nightmare scenarios than anything else.


Sure, you could also face mechanical issues on the road whether you are in a motor coach or a tow vehicle with a travel trailer or fifth wheel. Pretty much any and all mechanical issues complicate travel plans.

But most mechanical issues do not threaten the safety of your rig or put you and your family in harm’s way. Tire failures are a different story.

Experiencing a blowout while traveling 60+ mph can be a recipe for disaster.

If a tire blows out when you’re driving 60-65 mph on the interstate, it can be a recipe for disaster, especially for a new RV owner. It is far too easy to lose control of the vehicle or forget to use the trailer brake. There is a risk of veering into another lane or off the road. This is the reality of towing.


Beyond that, tire blowouts on travel trailers and fifth wheels have been known to produce powerful blasts that damage the RV itself. I have heard multiple stories of a blowout causing major damage to the RV. In one instance, the tire blowout led issues that damaged RV kitchen appliances.

At a minimum, you and your family are stranded on the side of the road until roadside assistance arrives.


Finally, think about the additional costs you would incur if your RV was crippled and you need to stay in a hotel while having your motor home & trailer towed and repaired. As any RV owner knows, repairs can take weeks or even months. Getting back on the road is dependent on the availability of supplies and a repair technician.

Spending a little money now on a TPMS product that monitors tire air pressure can help avoid these big emergency expenses down the road.

I don’t want to see anyone’s RV dreams get hijacked by a tire blowout. That’s why I’m sharing this information. It’s important to track the tire’s pressure, identify slow leaks, and monitor for high temperature situations.

An RV Tire Pressure Monitoring System is the best way to track the health of your tires and help prevent a blowout on the road. It is money well spent.

Reason #2: TPMS Can Extend the Life of Your Tires

As I stated at the beginning of this post, I spent over $600 on brand new tires for my brand new travel trailer right off the lot. Shelling out more money RV TPMS did not feel great.


Monitoring the PSI for the best tire pressure helps me ensure my tires are properly inflated. That, in turn, helps extend tire life. So I want to monitor the pressure every time I drive.

Replacing an RV tire due to uneven wear would certainly cost me as much or more than the cost of the TPMS.

For me, spending smart money now is always better than spending stupid money later. I knew the tire pressure monitoring system could help protect our investment in new tires as well as our new travel trailer. That is smart money spent.

After traveling through 36 U.S. states without a single tire incident, I am very confident I made the right decision.

Reason #3: Properly Inflated Tires Can Improve Fuel Efficiency

Ah, the pain at the pump. There were many days when I would do almost anything to increase my fuel efficiency to decrease my fuel bills. This was especially true in those areas of the country where fuel normally exceeded $3.50 per gallon (I’m looking at you, California).

I made a few other changes to increase fuel efficiency during our travels. For example, I purchased a truck bed with improved aerodynamics. But, buying the TPMS was probably what saved me the most money.

RV Camping Accessories


I’m not talking about saving hundreds of dollars per month on your fuel costs. This is about shaving off a few nickels and dimes from your fuel bill. On average you will lose about 1% fuel efficiency for every 10% your tires are underinflated.

On average, 10% underinflation results in a 1% fuel efficiency loss.

Here’s an example: My tires were designed to run at 65 PSI cold for full load capability. If the tires dropped to 59 PSI because of colder temps in a new area, fuel efficiency dropped 1%.

Bottom line is that underinflated tires will absolutely cost you more at the pump. Proper inflation equates to higher miles per gallon, which means money in your pocket.

An RV TPMS like the TireMinder system we bought will help you keep that money in your pocket with constant PSI monitoring and reporting. It’s something to think about.

Reason #4: Installing a TPMS May Result in Lower RV Insurance Rates

Unfortunately, I did not take advantage of lower RV insurance rates after installing our TPMS. To be honest, that’s because it had not occurred to me to ask. I learned about it later. But, I’m happy to share the news with you that it may be an option.

Of course, as with homeowner’s insurance, each RV insurance company is different. Your policy may or may not have a discount available for installing a TPMS. But, the chance to save on insurance premiums is always worth a call.

Reason #5: Peace of Mind is Priceless

If there is one category I am more likely to spend money on than anything else, it is any time something enhances my peace of mind, especially while on the road. Sure I like a few luxuries here and there. I also crave simplicity and will pay up for that as well.

But peace of mind? That one stands out far above the crowd. In my world, increased peace of mind positively impacts every other area of life. That makes it valuable.

When I have less to worry about and more ability to just be fully present in the amazing moments, life gets better. I think you’ll find the same thing if you look for it.

Make the Decision That is Best for You

Now you have plenty of information, recommendations, and details to help you weigh the decision to purchase (or not) an RV TPMS. I hope that by sharing some details about my personal experience and reasons can simply provide guidance to make an informed decision that is right for you and for your family.

Safe travels, friends!

Close up of RV tire with text 'RV Tire Pressure Monitoring System'

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