Back of travel trailer that is driving on road toward mountains at sunset.

7 Signs You Might Be Way Past Ready for RV Season

The cold, long winter can be fun, right? Well, skiers, snowboarders, and overzealous snowblowers might be happy if winter lasted all year. But us RV owners? No, I don’t think so. We’ve had enough of the freezing temps. And we’re past ready to get that precious RV out of storage and back out on the open road!

So let’s turn to a short list to see if I’m right about this situation. Yes, this is an awesome list that I created out of thin air. Let’s have fun with it.

Signs You’re Ready for RV Season

Let’s walk through my list of the 7 most likely signs that you are indeed aching for RV season to start.

You Have Started Hoarding Wood

There is no doubt that a campfire is always one of the highlights of the RVing experience. It’s hard to beat the experience of sitting around the flames. We all love the moment the marshmallows are dripping off the sticks and stories with family and friends. This is how memories are made in the great outdoors.

And now you find yourself stockpiling twigs, branches and bark. It’s quite possible your subconscious is demanding that you create the perfect campfire experience during your next RV getaway.

And for pete’s sake make sure you keep that stuff dry! Nothing worse than fighting with wet wood, right?

  • TIP

We found it ideal to have a backup campfire option in case the wood didn’t cooperate or the campground prohibited wood fires. The best alternative is an easy portable propane fire pit. Turns out you don’t need to start hoarding wood after all. Something to think about.

Camp Chef Redwood Fire Pit

Constructed of durable heavy gauge alloy steel. Includes lava rock and lid.18.75" x 18.75" x 16.5".

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02/15/2025 08:21 pm GMT

You Spend Afternoons in the Outdoors Section of Walmart

Ah, RV stuff. It’s just fantastic, isn’t it? If it makes your heart go pitter-patter, then you’ve got it real bad and you are definitely ready for RV season.

RV accessories really are great, and there are so many options out there. But none of us like to spend our money on unnecessary stuff either. So I’m just warning you to be careful about what you choose to buy.

Also, you can save yourself some time and headaches by taking a look at our recommendations. We narrowed down the lists to the must-haves (ok, there are a few want-to-haves). Make sure you have the right RV water, sewer and electric accessories. Prepare great camping meals with RV kitchen essentials.

We also put together a very comprehensive list of all the RV accessories you will actually use. Take a look at that list because when you have the right gear and supplies, your road travels will be absolutely amazing. (Not to brag, but it’s our most popular post.)

Your Online Search is Overflowing with Happy Camper Decor

Look, I’m a dude. If there are four walls and a relatively intact roof, I call it home.

My wife, not so much. During our time on the road, she was always searching for the perfect additions to our “home on wheels” that would make it more cozy. More like home.

So if you are finding yourself on the prowl for that perfect item that will make this RV season just a touch warmer and cozier than last season, then you may just be ready for RV season. (Julie came up with a great list of Happy Camper decor and gifts  you can check out also to fill that void.)

Every Outfit Centers Around RV-Themed Clothing

I’m not judging your style here, friend. You are free to wear whatever the heck you want…within reason.

But if your coworkers are calling attention to your obsession with RV fashion at this point in the year (after five consecutive days of you wearing an RV-related article of clothing), this is a clear sign that you’ve got RV season fever bad.

Side note–Here’s one of my favorite RV shirts:

Retirement: Go Camping Every Day

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02/15/2025 09:31 pm GMT

Again, no judging, but try not to make us RVers look too strange. Mix it up just a little bit if at all possible.

Every Phone Notification is a Reminder to Book RV Parks and Campgrounds

There’s really nothing worse in the RV world than getting all pumped and excited about your next RV excursion, only to realize that you waited far too long to make reservations at your favorite spots. I know you have experienced that pain, and you’ve (mostly) learned your lesson.

Which is why your phone is now incessantly dinging at you multiple times per day, sending you deeper and deeper into a fevered desire to get away and hit the road.

I know those reminders are probably making this period tough on you, but it’s worth it. Stay strong, stay focused. There are RV headlights at the end of this dark tunnel.

Lastly, be sure to take a peek at our post about campground memberships you will actually use. You might find a valuable nugget or two in there.

You Woke Up in Your RV, But it’s Still in Storage

Do you find yourself tinkering with the RV from morning until night? Fix a faucet, check the pipes, fidget with the skylight you checked yesterday. Have you watched a movie in the RV even though you have a perfectly comfortable living room sofa in your house?

Let’s cut to the real question. Are you waking up in your RV, even though it’s still parked in storage?

Maybe we can blame it on sleepwalking. Sleepwalking is a pretty fascinating thing. We’ve experienced it quite a bit with our youngest kiddo, primarily when he is going through stressful periods of adjustment.

Whether it’s sleepwalking or intentional, if you have found yourself waking up stretched out on your not-extremely-comfortable RV bed with a huge grin on your face then yeah, you are way past ready for RV season.

You Are “Sleep Shopping” for RV Products

Sure, sleepwalking is one thing. We’ve all experienced it, either as the walker or the slightly-freaked-out observer.

But sleep shopping is a relatively new phenomenon sweeping the western world. We haven’t personally experienced it yet in our house, but I think it’s only a matter of time until it touches all of our lives in some way.

But here’s the bottom line: If a household member has questioned you at length about mysterious RV purchases on Amazon, and you have a sneaking suspicion that they happened during a midnight RV accessory shopping spree that you have no memory of, you are simply beyond help.

(If I was sleep shopping on Amazon, I would buy a solar setup to prepare for some serious boondocking! But that’s my fantasy.)

If this describes your current situation, then “RV season fever” has you in its grip. There is no escape. Actually, the only escape is to well, escape! Time to get ready to hit the road.

There is Hope… RV Season is Near

I want to encourage you to hang in there, because RV season will be here before you know it! I know it can feel like an eternity, but you can do this.

In the meantime, you can always live vicariously through RVers on YouTube who are exploring all over the continent (and world).

RV Adventure is calling! Just a few…more…weeks.


Signs you might be way past ready for RVing season

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